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Read the following to learn how to use the album:

1. There are 4 Categories in the album - Construction Pictures, Pictures, Other Pictures & Videos and Personal Pictures.

2. Keep in mind, that towards the bottom of the Photo Album there are previous years photos (including many construction pictures of the new Main Building).

Construction Pictures

These are pictures of the construction in camp. Everyone can view these pictures. If you want to rate pictures or send an eCard then you must register (by clicking on the Register button on top of the page).


These are all of the other pictures except for the construction pictures, Camp Videos, or pictures that have current campers or staff in them. Everyone can view these pictures. If you want to rate pictures or send an eCard then you must register (by clicking on the Register button on top of the page).

Other Pictures & Videos

These are pictures that have people in them such as bunk pictures and Camp Agudah related videos, and yearbooks. To see these pictures and videos you must be registered and approved. To be approved: Read this.

Personal Pictures

This is an album where you can upload your own "Camp Related" pictures. You must be registered and approved to see or upload to this album. To be approved: Read this. We ask that you only upload pictures that are appropriate and related to Camp. You can only upload pictures that are less than 5 MB. It may take a few minutes as the program must minimize your pictures to 600 X 450. These pictures must be approved by a Moderator before they will be shown.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.