Random files - Construction Pictures 2010 |

4/30/2010239 viewsStone path by the Bais Medrash.

4/30/2010261 viewsUpgraded Gazebos.

5/28/2010274 viewsBungalows that are being constructed by Nesivos Hatalmud.

4/30/2010234 viewsUpgraded Gazebos.

5/28/2010252 viewsThe road leading to the bungalows.

4/30/2010239 viewsUpgraded Gazebos.

4/30/2010208 viewsThe Ropes Course area, with the driveway in the back.

4/30/2010238 viewsTrees marked for removal (Near the Ropes Course). This is for bungalows that are being constructed by Nesivos Hatalmud, a yeshiva that will be in Camp Agudah for the summer.
Last additions - Construction Pictures 2010 |

5/28/2010290 viewsThe road leading to the bungalows.May 30, 2010

5/28/2010260 viewsThe road leading to the bungalows.May 30, 2010

5/28/2010239 viewsThe road leading to the bungalows.May 30, 2010

5/28/2010242 viewsThe road leading to the bungalows.May 30, 2010

5/28/2010262 viewsBungalows that are being constructed by Nesivos Hatalmud.May 30, 2010

5/28/2010252 viewsThe road leading to the bungalows.May 30, 2010

5/28/2010252 viewsBungalows that are being constructed by Nesivos Hatalmud.May 30, 2010

5/28/2010278 viewsBungalows that are being constructed by Nesivos Hatalmud.May 30, 2010