
6/1/07 - Main Building461 viewsLooking towards the lobby, with the outdoor lighting - lit up.

6/1/07 - Main Building363 viewsStanding by Upper Ferndale Road (looking towards the Main Building) with the outdoor lighting - lit up.

6/1/07 - Main Building547 viewsThe Fleishig Kitchen.

6/1/07 - Main Building468 viewsThe Milichig Kitchen.

6/1/07 - Main Building478 viewsPaving the paths.

6/1/07 - Main Building441 viewsPaving the paths.

6/1/07 - Main Building414 viewsPaving the paths.

6/3/07 - Main Building436 viewsStanding by the Guest House - looking towards the Main Building.

6/3/07 - Main Building397 views

6/3/07 - Main Building376 views

6/3/07 - Main Building432 views

6/3/07 - Main Building405 views

6/3/07 - Main Building386 viewsNotice the new landscaping (trees - and bushes by the Colonial Retaining Wall).

6/3/07415 viewsBushes by the Colonial Retaining Wall.

6/3/07 - Main Building368 views

6/3/07 - Main Building350 views

6/3/07 - Main Building395 views

6/3/07 - Main Building370 viewsStanding by the Colonial - looking towards the loading dock.

6/3/07 - Main Building345 viewsStanding on the third floor of the Colonial looking towards the area in front of the Main Building.

6/3/07 - Main Building351 views

6/3/07 - Main Building319 views

6/3/07 - Main Building333 views

6/3/07 - Main Building337 views

6/3/07 - Main Building434 viewsThe ceiling in the Main Dining Room - a work in progress.

6/3/07 - Main Building379 viewsThe ceiling in the Main Dining Room - a work in progress.

6/3/07 - Main Building316 views

6/3/07 - Main Building321 views

6/3/07 - Main Shul384 viewsNew Air Conditioner Units for the Main Shul.

6/3/07 - Main Shul425 viewsNew Air Conditioner Units for the Main Shul.